Teaching | Research | Publications | Presentations | Students | Services | Biography | Honors | CV.pdf |
Professional Services of Professor Yi Ma
University Services
- Fall 2018 - now: Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, EECS, UC Berkeley.
- Spring 2018 - now: Berkeley AI Research (BAIR) Lab Steering Committee, EECS, UC Berkeley.
- Spring 2018 - now: Graduate Admission Committee, EECS, UC Berkeley.
- Fall 2015 - Spring 2017: Chair of Univesrity Academic Committee, ShanghaiTech.
- Fall 2014 - Spring 2017: Chair of Academic Committee, School of Information Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech.
- Fall 2014 - Spring 2017: Executive Dean, School of Information Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech.
- Spring 2013 - Spring 2017: Faculty Search Committee, School of Information Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech.
- Fall 2007 - 2009: Faculty Search Committee, UIUC.
- Fall 2004 - 2008: Graduate Committee, UIUC.
- Fall 2005 - 2006: Graduate Fellowship Committee, UIUC.
- Fall 2002- 2003: Co-chair of the ECE Graduate Seminar Committee, UIUC.
- Fall 2000-2001: Qualfying Exam Area Committee Chair for Communications and Control, UIUC.
- Fall 2001-2002: Computer Resouces & Education; Graduate Seminar, UIUC.
Academic Community Services
- Associate Editor of SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science (SIMODS), since 2018.
- Associate Editor of Information and Inference: a Journal of the IMA, since 2011.
- Senior Editorial Board of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, since 2014 to 2017.
- Associate Editor of SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2012 to 2016.
- Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2012 to 2017.
- Associate Editor of International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 2010 to 2014.
- Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2007 to 2012.
- Guest Editor of the special issue on "Real-World Face Recognition" for IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2010.
- Lead Guest Editor of the special issue on "Dimensionality Reduction and Manifold Learning" for IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 2010.
- Chief Guest Editor of the special issue on "Applications of Compressive Sensing and Sparse Representation" for the Proceedings of IEEE, June 2010.
- Journal Paper Reviews: CVIU, JMIV, IJCV, Automatica, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Image Processing, PAMI, and Robotics & Automation, etc.
- Program Chair and General Chair for ShanghaiTech Information Science and Technology Symposium, 2015, 2016, and 2017.
- General Chair for ICCV 2015 (in Chile).
- Program Chair for ICCV 2013 (in Australia).
- Award Committee Chair for ICME 2014 (in China).
- Award Committee Member for CVPR 2012 (in USA) and ICCV 2011 (in Spain).
- Area Chair for CVPR 2014, 2016 & 2019, ICCV 2011, ICML 2021, and NIPS 2011, 2020, 2021.
- Associate Editor of IEEE Control Systems Society Conference Editorial Board (CEB), 2000 - 2004.
- Program Committees: International Conference on Computer Vision, European Conference on Computer Vision, and IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
- Conference Paper Reviews: CVPR, ECCV, ICCV, ACCV, ICRA, CDC, ACC, IFAC, MTNS, etc.
Federal Panels and Grant Reviews
- Panel Review: NSF CISE IIS, March 2018.
- Panel Review: Chinese National 1000 People Program, 2015.
- Panel Review: Chinese NSF Major Grants, 2015.
- Grant review for DARPA, ARMY, ONR, and Simons Foundation.
- Panel Review: NSF ECCS PCAN, June 2007.
- Panel Review: NSF CISE IIS, March 2007.
- Panel Review: NSF CISE CRI, November 2005.
- Panel Review: NSF CISE IIS CAREER, November 2004.
Professional Society Memberships
- Fellow of SIAM, since 2020.
- Fellow of ACM, since 2017.
- Fellow of IEEE, since 2013.
- President of Tsinghua Alumni Association of UIUC, 2007-2009.
- Board Member of Tsinghua Alumni Association of Greater Chicago, 2007-2009.