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Research of Professor Yi Ma
Areas of Interest
My main research interest is in finding the most pertinent mathematical principles for analyzing and understanding high-dimensional sensorial data such as images, so that machines and human can make more intelligent decisions. The research endeavor has led me touch upon the following areas.
Perception: Computer Vision | Inference: Mathematics & Statistics | Decision & Control |
- Hong Kong University: Integrated Autonomous Intelligent Systems.
- Berkeley: Whitebox Transformers via Sparse Rate Reduction (with Yaodong Yu et. al.).
- Berkeley: Deep Networks from the Principle of Rate Reduction (with Yaodong Yu, Ryan Chan, Haozhi Qi, and Chong You).
- Berkeley: General In-hand Object Rotation with Vision and Touch (with Haozhi Qi, Brent Yi, Jitendra Malik, etc.)
- Berkeley: Dexterous Robot Hand Manipulation (with Haozhi Qi, Roberto Calandra, and Jitendra Malik).
- Berkeley: Canonical Factors for Hybrid Neural Fields (with Brent Yi, Weijia Zeng, and Sam Buchanan).
- Berkeley: Pursuit of Large-Scale 3D Structures and Geometry (with Yichao Zhou and Xili Dai).
- UIUC/MSRA: Low-Rank Matrix Recovery via Convex Optimization (with Wright, Ganesh, Lin and Candes et. al.).
- UIUC: Face Recognition via Sparse Representation (with Wright, Ganesh, Yang, Zhou and Wagner et. al.).
- UIUC: Clustering and Classification via Lossy Compression (with Wright Yang, Mobahi, and Rao et. al.).
- UIUC: Generalized Principal Component Analysis (with Huang, Vidal, and Sastry).
- UIUC/Berkeley: Multiple-View Geometry and 3D Reconstruction (with Kosecka, Soatto, and Sastry).
Funded Projects
- Mathematical and Scientific Foundations of Deep Learning (sponsored by NSF and Simons Foundation).
- Leveraging Egocentric and Allocentric Representations for Navigation (LEARN) (sponored by ONR).
- A Holistic Approach to Reconstructing Urban Scenes (sponsored by NSF-IIS).
- Scene and Task Aware Knowledge Enhanced Compressive Sensing, DARPA KECoM.
- Advances in the Theory and Practice of Low-Rank Matrix Recovery and Modeling (with Emmanuel Candes, sponsored by NSF-CIF).
- Harnessing Sparse and Low-Dimensional Structures for Robust Clustering of Visual Data (sponsored by ONR).
- SGER: Explorations of Robust Image Classification (sponsored by NSF-IIS).
- PHYSNET: Physical Interaction Using the Internet (sponsored by NSF-HCC).
- Control and Sensing under Limited Information (sponsored by NSF-ECS).
- Estimation of Hybrid Models as Algebraic Sets (sponsored by NSF-CCF).
- Estimation of Hybrid Models in Computer Vision (sponsored by ONR).
- Identification of Hybrid Dynamical Systems (sponsored by NSF-EHS).
- Identifying Spatial and Dynamical Patterns from Images (sponsored by NSF-IIS).
- HKUST and Berkeley Joint Research Project.
- Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute Research Fund.
- UC Berkeley Faculty Startup Fund.
- ShanghaiTech: Data Science Research Center Fund.
- DARPA Urban Challenge (sponsored by the University of Illinois and others).
- Geometry and Algebra in Computer Vision, RAP Program (sponsored by Math Department, the University of Illinois).
- Vision-Based Control (sponsored by the University of Illinois Research Board).
- Sony Inc.
- Bytedance Inc.
- Berkeley FHL VIVE Center, HTC/VIVE.
- Adobe Research Sponsorship.
- Microsoft Research Fellowship (sponsored by the Microsoft Live Lab.).
Reflections on Research
- An essay reflecting on the methodology for research: Warning Signs of Bogus Research Progresses.
- Powerpoint slides from a talk on How to do Research.
- Powerpoint slides from a talk on How to Give a Good Presentation.
- Powerpoint slides from my talk at CCF Elite Forum 2014 on Research as a Career.