Final Exam for 2021-22, Semester 2 - Important Information

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Examination Arrangements for Final Examinations of Semester 2, 2021-22

BEng(CompSc) / BASc(FinTech)

(pdf version) 

(updated as of April 29, 2022)
Course code Course title Course instructor Format of final exam Use of calculator Printed/Written Materials/Special Notes* Format of answer# Exam date & time
(Hong Kong Time)
COMP1117 Computer programming  Dr. Ting HF Online exam via OLEX Not allowed Candidates are permitted to bring to the examination TWO sheets of A4-sized paper with printed/written notes on both sides. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 11 (Wed); 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
COMP2113 Programming technologies Dr. Luo Ruibang/ Dr. Qian Chenxiong Online exam via OLEX Allowed Candidates are permitted to bring to the examination ONE sheet of A4-sized paper with printed/written notes on both sides. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 11 (Wed); 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
COMP2119 Introduction to data structures and algorithms Prof. Kao Benjamin Online exam via OLEX Allowed This is a closed book examination. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 10 (Tue); 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
COMP2120 Computer organization Dr. Chan K P Online exam via OLEX Allowed Candidates are permitted to refer to any printed/handwritten materials in the examination. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 14 (Sat); 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
COMP2121 Discrete mathematics Dr. Yang Yuxiang Online exam via OLEX Allowed This is a closed book examination. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 23 (Mon); 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
COMP2396 Object-oriented programming and Java Dr. Chim T W Online exam via OLEX Allowed Candidates are permitted to refer to any printed/handwritten materials in the examination. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 12 (Thu); 9:30 am - 11:30 am
COMP2502 Computing fundamentals Dr. Chow K P Online exam via OLEX Allowed This is a closed book examination. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 17 (Tue); 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
COMP3234 Computer and communication networks Dr. Tam Anthony Online exam via OLEX Allowed Candidates are permitted to refer to any printed/handwritten materials in the examination. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 14 (Sat); 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
COMP3250 Design and analysis of algorithms Dr. Huang Z Y Online exam via OLEX Allowed Candidates are permitted to bring to the examination TWO sheets of A4-sized paper with printed/written notes on both sides. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 19 (Thu); 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
COMP3259 Principles of programming languages Dr. Oliveira Bruno Project via Moodle N/A N/A N/A Schedule: to be announced
COMP3270 Aritificial intelligence Dr. Schnieders Dirk Online exam via OLEX Allowed This is a closed book examination. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 10 (Tue); 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
COMP3278 Introduction to database management systems Dr. Chui C K Online exam via OLEX Allowed This is a closed book examination. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 21 (Sat); 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
COMP3297 Software engineering Mr. Mitcheson George Online exam via OLEX Not allowed Candidates are permitted to refer to any printed/handwritten materials in the examination. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 11 (Wed); 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
COMP3311 Legal aspects of computing Dr. Pun K H Online exam via OLEX Not allowed Candidates are permitted to refer to any printed/handwritten materials in the examination. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 17 (Tue); 9:30 am - 11:30 am
COMP3314 Machine learning Dr. Kong Lingpeng Online exam via OLEX Not allowed This is a closed book examination. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 18 (Wed); 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm
COMP3317 Computer vision Dr. Wong Kenneth Online exam via OLEX Allowed This is a closed book examination. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 20 (Fri); 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
COMP3320 Electronic commerce technology Dr. Yuen John Online exam via OLEX Allowed Candidates are permitted to refer to any printed/handwritten materials in the examination. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 21 (Sat); 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
COMP3322 Modern technologies on World Wide Web Dr. Wu Chuan Online exam via OLEX Allowed Candidates are permitted to refer to any printed/handwritten materials in the examination. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 23 (Mon); 9:30 am - 11:30 am
COMP3329 Computer game design and programming Dr. Chim T W Online exam via OLEX Allowed Candidates are permitted to refer to any printed/handwritten materials in the examination. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 16 (Mon); 9:30 am - 11:30 am
COMP3340 Applied deep learning Dr. Luo Ping Online exam via OLEX Allowed Candidates are permitted to refer to any printed/handwritten materials in the examination. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 13 (Fri); 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
COMP3352 Algorithmic game theory Dr. Huang Z Y Online exam via OLEX Allowed Candidates are permitted to bring to the examination TWO sheets of A4-sized paper with printed/written notes on both sides. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 17 (Tue); 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm
COMP3357 Cryptography Dr. Ramanathan Ravishankar Online exam via OLEX Allowed Candidates are permitted to bring to the examination ONE sheet of A4-sized paper with printed/written notes on both sides. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 13 (Fri); 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
COMP3358 Distributed and parallel computing Dr. Cui H M Project via Moodle N/A N/A N/A Schedule: May 19 (Thu) - May 23 (Mon)
COMP3360 Data-driven computer animation Prof. Komura Taku Online exam via OLEX Allowed Candidates are permitted to bring to the examination ONE sheet of A4-sized paper with printed/written notes on both sides. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 16 (Mon); 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
ELEC3443 Computer networks Dr. Tam Anthony Online exam via OLEX Allowed Candidates are permitted to refer to any printed/handwritten materials in the examination. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 14 (Sat); 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
ENGG1340 Computer programming II Dr. Luo Ruibang/ Dr. Qian Chenxiong Online exam via OLEX Allowed Candidates are permitted to bring to the examination ONE sheet of A4-sized paper with printed/written notes on both sides. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 11 (Wed); 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
FITE2000 Foundations of FinTech programming Dr. Chow K P Online exam via OLEX Allowed This is a closed book examination. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 17 (Tue); 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
FITE2010 Distributed ledger and blockchain Dr. Au Allen Online exam via OLEX Allowed Candidates are permitted to bring to the examination ONE sheet of A4-sized paper with printed/written notes on both sides. Internet searching and crowdsourcing from group messages, online forums or social media, etc. are strictly forbidden. Handwrite on paper May 20 (Fri); 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm


  • * If you are permitted to refer to any printed/handwritten materials in the exam as stated in the special notes of a particular course, please arrange printing in advance.

    # Students are required to write their answers on self-prepared blank papers, and upload the answers combined in a Word or PDF file within the grace period after the exam. In general, students’ use of computer keyboard when answering questions is prohibited (except: the first few minutes to enable downloading the exam paper, the first 30 minutes to raise questions regarding the question paper via the Zoom Chat, and raising other necessary questions (e.g. request for going to the washroom) via Zoom Chat.)

    If you have questions concerning CS UG courses exams, please send your questions to For exam policy or arrangements, please contact the Exam Office at For technical support, you may contact ITS at


Final Exam for MSc courses in 2021-22, Semester 2



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The University of Hong Kong
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