HKU CDS Research Internship Programme

In the summer of 2025, HKU School of Computing and Data Science will launch a Research Internship Programme accepting around 50 outstanding Computer Science, and Statistics and Actuarial Science undergraduate students from Mainland China or other overseas countries. Selected students will receive a total stipend of around HK$22,274 for this internship. This programme aims to provide student interns an opportunity to learn about our research postgraduate programme and engage in research. The tentative period of this programme is from July 13 to August 31, 2025, which can be further negotiated with the supervisor. Each intern will be matched to a research project which is supervised by a faculty member, and is required to give a presentation on the project outcomes at the end of his/her internship.

(Please click here to view the pdf version)


  • Current Year 2 or Year 3 undergraduate students who are studying Computer Science, and Statistics and Actuarial Science or a related discipline at universities in Mainland China, H.K. or other overseas countries may apply.

  • Important Dates:

  • Application Deadline: 5:00p.m., May 30, 2025 (Friday)
    (To increase your chance on getting an intern offer, you are encouraged to send an email to your interested supervisor(s) about your application. An offer is nominated by an individual supervisor, not the department.)
  • Notification of Results: We will notify candidates of the offer on May. An intern offer can be sent to an applicant quickly if the supervisor and the applicant has made an agreement.
  • Start Date of Internship: July 13, 2025 (Sunday)
  • Please note that our intern program might have a chance to be cancelled if the virus situation lasts to the summer. However, our department will make our best effort to start the intern program on time.

  • How to Apply:

  • We only accept online applications. Please click here to apply.

  • In order to facilitate the matching process, you are encouraged to contact potential supervisors to identify possible projects before you apply. (Please take a look at each professor's research.)

  • For Enquiry:

  • Email: (this email will work for applicatnts applying to both CS and SAAS divisions).
  • Telephone: (+852) 3917 2180
  • Special Note on Visa Application:

    A student who is admitted to this programme can apply for a “training visa” through the Hong Kong Immigration Department. Each applicant is required to provide an official stamped supporting letter from the student's home institution which clearly states that the institution supports his/her training in HKU, and the student will return to the institution to continue his/her study after completion of the training in HKU. Please make sure your school will be able to provide such a letter before you apply. A tourist visa is not acceptable. For more information, please read the Guidebook for Entry for Training in Hong Kong.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Q1: Will the interns attend classes or only pursue research work?
    Each intern will be working on a research project. Once you join our internship program, either with the online or on-campus mode, you are reminded to work full-time on the research project during your intern period. You are reminded not to take another full-time or part-time job, because you are expected to constantly discuss with your internship supervisors and their PhD students daily in regular working hours. Only if you produce effective research outcomes from your project, you will be considered for passing the internship and receiving an internship certificate.

    Q2: Will an intern be able to attach to a professor of common research interests, or just be assigned with a task?
    A professor whose research interest matches yours will be assigned to supervise you, and give you a task to complete.

    Q3: If we would like to get ourselves prepared for the research internship work before the summer vacation, how can we know more about the details of this programme?
    Please refer to the relevant homepages on the research work of our professors. You can also contact the supervisor involved so that he can give you more information regarding your research task before the internship starts. For details, please see:

    Q4: We are concerned about the living expenses in HK during our internship. Any information available?
    If you would like to come to HK and work with the supervisor closely on campus, you can individually chat with the supervisor to receive extra stipend on covering the air tickets and hotel fees living in HK. The combined stipend provided should be enough to cover your local transportation, accommodation, and living expenses for the entire internship period.

    Q5: If I was transferred from the School of Mathematical Sciences to the School of CDS by the end of my freshman year, should I submit my freshman year GPA grade ranking from the School of Mathematical Sciences or the School of CDS?
    If possible, please provide the ranking based on your CDS subjects. However, we will also consider your maths ranking.

    Q6: Each intern will be assigned to a research project and supervised by a professor. When I apply for the internship, should I indicate my preference on research areas, and is it necessary to have any relevant experience in that area?
    You are not required to indicate an explicit preference, however, it will be definitely easier for us to find you a professor whose research interests matches yours if you let us know what you prefer.

    Q7: I am a third-year university student. Since the GPA and grade ranking of 2nd semester is not yet available, should I leave the column for entering my 3rd year GPA and standings blank, or just fill in my 1st semester results?
    Providing us with your 1st semester’s GPA and ranking would be fine.

    Q8: I'm a third-year student. Am I eligible to apply for this programme? Will there be any interviews?
    Only Year 2 and 3 students are eligible to apply. It is not a must to attend an interview. However, if one is needed, it is likely to be a short skype interview.